About Us
Sweet Disorder Vintage is the passion of owner Kate Russel. Our clientele includes celebrities, fashion labels, costume designers, museums and design archives worldwide.
The name 'Sweet Disorder' comes from a poem by Robert Herrick. It perfectly captures the spirit of 'wild civility' in every garment offered by Sweet Disorder Vintage.
Delight in Disorder
BY Robert Herrick
A sweet disorder in the dress
Kindles in clothes a wantonness;
A lawn about the shoulders thrown
Into a fine distraction;
An erring lace, which here and there
Enthrals the crimson stomacher;
A cuff neglectful, and thereby
Ribands to flow confusedly;
A winning wave, deserving note,
In the tempestuous petticoat;
A careless shoe-string, in whose tie
I see a wild civility:
Do more bewitch me, than when art
Is too precise in every part.